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ага. тоже самое прислали. "can not ship this order out due to shipping policy" - типа из за аккумулятора внутри?
Thank you very much for place the order with us.
We extremely sorry for not shipping the package to you yet.
We are sorry to inform that we can not ship this order out due to shipping policy, there is not shipping method for your order.
After reviewing your case, we have 3 options to compensate you:
1) Refund on your Wallet (store credit)
We can refund you the product cost and exceptionally reward you with extra points (e.g. If your item is 1usd = 5 points , 3usd=3*5points => get 15 points etc).
You can use both your wallet and points to purchase your future products.
2) Refund on your original payment method
3) Choose another one to replace this item.
We would be very grateful if you could tell us the SKU (item number), the full name of the item or the URL link for the new item. We will be able to check its stock levels.
Please contact me as soon as possible and let me know if this is acceptable, so that we can process the order for you.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused.
Best Regards,
Rosegal Customer Service
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