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Конечно!) Техника безопасности превыше всего!))
Ждем отчет.Работодатель застраховал объект от возгорания?
Отлично, повезло продавцу 🙈
Выяснил. Сборная посылка из трёх, теперь все норм)
Чугунина же!!!
Так 8 рублей на кону, а поглумиться над продаваном можно
"Йапу и плАчу... Йапу и плАчу..." (с)
jack Chen
19/12/12 19:50
Dear buyer, could you please help me to cancel this order? The price of this charger is way too low, we lost plenty of money instead of making money . Because I set the wrong price, our company suffered a huge loss. My boss is furious. He is going to fire me. I am single mother with two children,I can not lose this job because I need to support my whole family Please help me to cancel this order and choose another reason” . Thank you for your understanding
jack Chen
19/12/12 05:28
Dear buyer, could you please help me to cancel this order? The price of this charger is way too low, we lost plenty of money instead of making money . Because I set the wrong price, our company suffered a huge loss. My boss is furious. He is going to fire me. I am single mother with two children,I can not lose this job because I need to support my whole family Please help me to cancel this order and choose another reason” . Thank you for your understanding
jack Chen
19/12/11 22:11
Dear buyer, could you please help me to cancel this order? The price of this charger is way too low, we lost plenty of money instead of making money . Because I set the wrong price, our company suffered a huge loss. My boss is furious. He is going to fire me. I am single mother with two children,I can not lose this job because I need to support my whole family Please help me to cancel this order and choose another reason” . Thank you for your understanding
jack Chen
19/12/10 23:00
Dear buyer, could you please help me to cancel this order? The price of this charger is way too low, we lost plenty of money instead of making money . Because I set the wrong price, our company suffered a huge loss. My boss is furious. He is going to fire me. I am single mother with two children,I can not lose this job because I need to support my whole family Please help me to cancel this order and choose another reason” . Thank you for your understanding
jack Chen
19/12/09 19:35
Dear buyer, could you please help me to cancel this order? The price of this charger is way too low, we lost plenty of money instead of making money . Because I set the wrong price, our company suffered a huge loss. My boss is furious. He is going to fire me. I am single mother with two children,I can not lose this job because I need to support my whole family Please help me to cancel this order and choose another reason” . Thank you for your understanding
Отзывов плохих накидать, мало этого.. Поддержка чтобы забанила.
100% фейк треки всем дал.
А какой способ отправки был заявлен в самом начале? Разве не AliExpress SaverShipping?
Так интересна сама движуха из за 8 рублей))
По ходу они отговорки отсюда берут