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(Для тех кто не вкуривает, то в нее можно играть даже после окончания бесплатных дней, с помощью подмены).
Кому надо, тот переведет и у него все получится.
ВАЖНО! нельзя менять железо в компе, обновлять ОС и крайне нерекомендуется обновлять драйвера на видеокарту(через раз или два может слететь активация).
1.- Download F1 23 on this free weekend on Steam. Once installed, close Steam.
2.- Run game and Close the game once you are through the initial setup (agreements and such).
3.- Check if the Denuvo token was created in steam/userdata/URSTEAMID/2108330 . Should be a random numbered file, 5kb of weight. Make it read-only so it does not get deleted.
4.- Now close Steam and download Goldberg Steam Emu
5.- From this zip you will need: steamapi64.dll and steamclient64.dll from experimental folder.
6.- Extract both of these files and paste them in F1 23 folder (located in steam/steamapps/common). Should replace only the steamapi64.dll file.
7.- On this same folder (F1 23) create a txt file "steam_appid.txt", inside should only be the appid of F1 23 (2108330)
8.- Create another txt file: "local_save.txt". Inside should have the text "steam_settings"
9.- Now create a folder inside F1 23 folder: steam_settings
10.- Inside steam_settings create two txt files: force_steamid.txt and force_account_name.txt .
11.- force_steamid.txt HAS to have the STEAMID64 of the account/user that created the Denuvo token. force_account_name.txt should have the name that you want to show inside the game.
12.- With all of this done, run the F1 23.exe . It may show an error at first. This is normal. Run again and should be ok.
13.- Now you can move the F1 23 folder anywhere you want and play as long as the Denuvo token remains valid (no change of drivers or major Win updates)
Hope this helps anyone. If I got something wrong, please enlight me. Cheers!