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Thank you for your DressLily order.
Kindly note that after reviewing your DressLily account in detail it has come to our attention that you have taken advantage of our order system by using one coupon multiple times. Please understand that this cannot be accepted any longer in line with our terms and conditions.
Затем что ошиблись:
Please accept our sincere apology for our previous incorrect message about your order being canceled. This message by sent due to a system error and we kindly ask that you disregard it.
We hereby confirm that your order will be processed normally and be delivered to you soon.
Once we have shipped your order we will email you the delivery information in your account.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused and we thank you for your kind patience and understanding.
Абсолютно реально, я аккаунтов 20 вчера наделал, всё шик. Даже почта не нужна
Я через Google+ зашёл и всё
Заходишь в аккаунт > orders и там под заказами ссылка My tickets contact us. Ну и заполнить форму.
Они проснулись тему ...(
Печаль. Пока только первые два пришли, заказ в статусе Processed. Видимо, ждёт то же самое
Письмо 1
Thank you for your first order on Dresslily. We're delighted to offer you this exclusive VIP coupon for your next order.
Expiry Date:Oct 11. 2018
Письмо 2
We are happy to inform you that your payment for order L1809260205109480 has been accepted. Once the order is ready, it will be given to our shipping team to deliver it to you. A shipping confirmation email will be sent when the order has shipped with the tracking information and an estimated delivery time.
Письмо 3
We are writing to let you know that we have processed and completed a partial refund or full refund for your order L1809260205109480. Your payment method is: PayPal. This is the reference number for your refund 8AS43657M0790144N
The refunded amount is $0.01. Please check the balance of your paypal to confirm receipt.
Чуда не произошло
При заказе указываешь промо код, цена товара станет 1 цент
Да, спасает Спасибо!
"Брелок в виде тормозного диска (https://www.dresslily.com/car-motorcycle-brake-disc-model-product3233004.html) обойдется в $0.12."
VPN cпасет, код пока еще работает.
По ходу всё, прикрыли лавочку.
Вводил на новом аккаунте без заказов.